I tried TikTok’s “French Toast” sandwich and loved it!
I’ve been watching some “food hacks” on TikTok and decided to try this one to mix up my breakfast routine. I rate this one a must-try for its ease and ability to customize to your liking. It’s not quite French toast unless you decide to soak your bread longer, but it’s still delicious as a “quick” French toast sandwich. What I like most about it: the way the sandwich is made helps keep the ingredients inside the sandwich while you’re eating it.
Since I was making two sandwiches, I decided to use 3 eggs. Depending on how large your slices of bread are, you may want to use 2 eggs per sandwich. Dipping the bread uses up some of the egg and takes away from your filling! My mother and I are fans of Trader Joe’s soft 10 grain bread; the slices are small, but the bread is more dense and feels more substantial.
First, scramble your eggs. Add some oil to your pan and pour your scrambled eggs in. Your heat should be at medium. Quickly dip your slices of bread one by one into the scrambled eggs and flip them over. The side of the bread with the raw scrambled egg will be cooked, don’t worry.

Tip: I found it easier (and it gave me more time) to take your pan off the heat to dip each slice of bread in the eggs and flip them over. I was most worried about the eggs burning.
Make sure the flat (bottom) ends of the bread are facing each other. You’re going to flip one slice on to the other.
Once the eggs have cooked, flip the entire thing over and add your choice of fillings, like cheese, ham, bacon, peppers, etc. Get as fancy as you want. I used cheese and Hooray Foods’ plant-based bacon; my mother is vegetarian and I’ve adopted a mostly-vegetarian diet as well.

I’ve never had facon before and I have to say, I was quite impressed with this one. These are made from coconut oil, rice flour, tapioca starch, liquid smoke, umami seasoning (shiitake mushrooms, salt, mushroom extract, calcium carbonate), maple syrup, salt, and beet juice concentrate. These cook in their own fat, so no additional oil needed! When my mother came to check on me in the kitchen, she thought I was cooking real bacon; I had to convince her otherwise. If you’re willing to overlook the texture and grease from real bacon and want to switch to something more healthy, give facon a try. The availability of Hooray Foods’ facon is limited for now (unfortunately their launch was during the COVID-19 pandemic), but I’ll be checking the plant-based foods section for other brands to try as well.
Once you have your fillings on, fold in the sides of the egg, and flip one slice of bread over. Flip your sandwich again as needed to brown your sandwich and melt any cheese you have inside.
Bon appétit!